Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Name change

Ok, I've become addicted to blog directories. :) So far I've spent more of my time off surfing through these than cleaning and exercising (2 things I wanted to accomplish this week).

As I'm surfing, I've realized that the blogs I click on have fun, clever names. That got me thinking. "My Weight Loss Journey" is a really B-O-R-I-N-G blog title. I mean, blech! So I decided to change it, and voilá, "Don't put that in your mouth!" was born. This is a more appropriate title anyway. After all, if people would have yelled "Don't put that in your mouth!" every time I was overeating, eating something stupid, drinking yet another Pepsi, etc., I wouldn't need to lose 63 pounds!

170 today,



Speedcat Hollydale said...

I was in fact drawn by the name and also your blogger template. DOTS was my very first, and it looked just like yours!

I NEVER had to worry about weight before. Now, into my 40's, it seems each doghnut will go right to my belly. (They are so good though)

Anyhoo ... Nice to meet you. I saw your blog listed at MBL.

Happy week, and stay strong!!!

Eric, "Speedcat Hollydale"


web-betty said...

I figure I better try to lose this extra weight now, or become friends with it, and mu-mus. :)

I'm so glad you find my site on MBL. I just recently started using it.